
Japan's most famous landscape gardens! Koraku-en, Kenroku-en, Kairaku-en.

Let me introduce you the history, culture and phenomenon of Japan in this blog of mine.
This time, I will simply comment on some of Japan's famous popular tourists spots as much as possible!
These are the three most famous gardens in Japan.

Koraku-en (後楽園)

徹底解説】岡山の名所「後楽園」の魅力とは!歴史的な建造物の紹介から ...

Koraku-en in Okayama is one of the three most famous landscape gardens in Japan.

Constructed in the Edo period by a local lord, Koraku-en includes a tea ceremony house, ponds, pines, and maples.

Kenroku-en (兼六園)

石川県 改元の春を照らす 兼六園ライトアップ|北陸新幹線で行こう ...
Kenroku-en in Kanazawa is one of the three most famous landscape gardens in Japan.

Constructed on the site of a local lord’s residence, Kenroku-en is well known for its three landscaped hills and two ponds, and for stone lantern that stands next to one of the ponds.

Kairaku-en (偕楽園)

偕楽園(常磐公園) ― 日本三名園…茨城県水戸市の庭園。 | 庭園情報 ...

kairaku-en in Mito is one of the three most famous landscape gardens in Japan.

Constructed by a local lord as a retreat, Kairaku-en is particularly well known for its Plum Tree Festival held from late February through mid-March when the plum blossoms are at their peak.


Thank you so much for reading.
Did you know any of those Japan's famous tourist spots?
I hope these will be of some help to you understand Japanese culture and history!
Excuse my poor English, I will be better next blog!
Please check them out!

Pick up


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