
Japan's three most famous locations!Matsushima, Amanohashidate, Miyajima.

Let me introduce you the history, culture and phenomenon of Japan in this blog of mine.
This time, I will simply comment on some of Japan's famous popular tourists spots as much as possible!
These are the three most beautiful views in Japan.

Matsushima (松島)

日本三景で有名!宮城県松島でおすすめの観光スポット7選 - SPIRA [スピラ]

Matsushima is regarded as one of the three most famous scenic locations in Japan.

Matsushima, which means ”Pine Island,” is distinguished by its many small pine-covered islands.

The harmony between islands and sea creates a breathtaking beauty which is outstanding in any season or weather.

Amanohashidate (天橋立)

壮大な飛龍観を望む!「天橋立ビューランド」でしたい5つのこと ...
Amanohashidate is regarded as one of the three most famous scenic locations in Japan.

Amanohashidate, which means "Heavenly Bridge," is a long sandar lined with pine trees.

If viewed upside down between one's legs, Amanohashidate will appear as a bridge between the earth and sky.

Miyajima (宮島)

宮島リゾートバイト】日本留学の魅力 | 私だけの留学・ワーホリ ...
Miyajima is regarded as one of the three most famous scenic locations in Japan.

Miyajima, which means ”Shrine Island," is famous for the magnificent Itukushima Shrine extending over the sea on long pillars.

Its large red torii is renowned for the image it gives of floating on the sea.


Thank you so much for reading.
Did you know any of those Japan's famous tourist spots?
I hope these will be of some help to you understand Japanese culture and history!
Excuse my poor English, I will be better next blog!
Please check them out!

Pick up


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