
Japanese cuisines, Noodles, Mochi, Sake and more!

Let me introduce you the history, culture and phenomenon of Japan in this blog of mine.
This time, I will simply comment on some of Japanese cuisines as much as possible!

Udon(うどん), Soba(そば), Somen(そうめん)

Udon are white noodles made from wheat flour, usually eaten hoto in soup.

is a bowl of noodles and soup topped by a raw egg.
Tsukimi means "moon viewing" .
The yolk of ethe egg floating on the soup resembles an autumn moon in the night sky.
月見うどん レシピ・作り方 by ヤマサ醤油 【クックパッド】

Soba are brown noodles made from buckwheat flour.
The noodles can be eaten bot in broth or cold after being dipped in a special sauce.
おいしい<そば>が食べたい!十割に更科、信州そばに暗黒そば?!その ...蕎麦屋 福そば | 株式会社イトー

Somen are very thin white noodles made from wheat flour, usually served with slices of cucumber and other vegetables in a large glass bowl of icy water.
They can be eaten after being dipped in a special sauce.きざみ青じそそうめん|レシピ|S&B エスビー食品株式会社

Sake(酒),  Shochu(焼酎),  Toso(とそ)

日本酒と焼酎の違いって何?】簡単に説明できる5のポイントで比較 ...
Sake is a fermented alcoholic beverage made from rice.
Served hot or cold, it has a distinctive aroma.
The alcohol content ranges from 15 to 20 percent.

Shochu is distilled alcoholic beverage usually made from rice or sweet potatoes.
There are many local varieties of shochu which are usually cheaper than regular sake.

Toso is sweet sake flavored with herbs.
It is served on New Year's Day and is believed to have the power to drive away evil and to encourage good health for the year.
お正月に飲む「お屠蘇」の正しい飲み方は? - ウェザーニュース

Mochi(もち),  Zoni(雑煮),  Dango(団子),  Shiruko(汁粉)

Mochi are rice cakes made from a special sticky rice. They are traditionally eaten during the New Year holidays after being broiled or served in a soup.
THE餅】切り餅 | もち吉 あられ・おせんべい・おかき・和菓子のお店

Zoni is a soup containing rice cakes, fish paste slices, and vegetables served during New Year holidays.

Dango are dumplings, usually made from rice or wheat flour.
山崎製パン | 商品情報 | 商品情報[和菓子] | 串だんご(たれ・あん ...

Shiruko is a sweet bean-paste soup with pieces of rice cakes or dumplings in it.
Salty pickles are often served with the soup to make it tastier.
ぜんざい(善哉)とおしるこ(お汁粉)の違いって何? 知っているようで実は ...


Thank you so much for reading.
Did you know any of those Japanese cuisines?
I hope these will be of some help to you understand Japanese culture and history!
Excuse my poor English, I will be better next blog!
Please check them out!

Pick up


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