
Japan's popular tourist spots!Nikko, Hakone, Atami, Kamakura and more!

Let me introduce you the history, culture and phenomenon of Japan in this blog of mine.
This time, I will simply comment on some of Japan's famous popular tourists spots as much as possible!

Nikko, Hakone, Atami

Nikko (日光)

日帰りでも楽しめる!日光の人気観光スポット13選を徹底ガイド ...
Nikko is a popular tourist spot characterized by the elaborately constructed Toshogu Shrine dedicated to Tokugawa Iyeyasu, the first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate.
The harmony between nature and man-made beauty is such that there is a famous expression,
"Never say kekko (best) until you see Nikko."

Hakone (箱根)
週末はゆったりしたい!箱根のカップルにおすすめの温泉10選 - SPIRA ...
Hakone is a popular all-year tourist center because of its many hot-spring resorts, beautiful scenery and wholesome climate.
Its easy access from Tokyo and the plentiful facilities in the district also add to its attraction.

Atami  (熱海)
熱海観光王道コース - LIVE JAPAN (日本の旅行・観光・体験ガイド)
Atami is one of the largest hot-spring resorts in Japan.
The city has more than six hundred hotels and inns.
It is about 100km southwest of Tokyo.

Kamakura, Hiroshima, Asosan

Kamakura  (鎌倉)
鎌倉観光おすすめ35選!運気UP!グルメや絶景スポット、ロケ地も ...
Kamakura is about 50km west of Tokyo.
From the end of the 12th century through the early 14th century, Kamkura was the seat of the bakufu or feudal military government.
The city has many historical and cultural sites and, along with Kyoto and Nara, draws visitors from all over the world.

Hiroshima (広島)
2021年 広島で絶対外せない!おすすめ観光スポット&ランキング│観光 ...
Hiroshima is about 340km west of Osaka on the main island of Honshu.
Hiroshima is noted as the site at which the first atomic bomb was used in warfare.
Within the Peace Memorial Park located at the epicenter of the explosion, a memorial tower has been built.
After the war, Hiroshima has grown into one of Japan's major cities.

Asosan  (阿蘇山)
阿蘇山の絶景|ZEKKEI Japan
Mt. Aso is a volcano located on the southern island of Kyushu.
At the center, five peaks create a largest caldera in the world.
Located in a national park, Mt.Aso is a popular tourist destination.

Kyoto and Nara

Kyoto (京都)
京都のおすすめスポットはココ!フォトジェニックな女子旅プラン ...
Kyoto was the capital of Japan, and home of the imperial court for over 1000 years.
京都の見どころ徹底解説】定番の京都グルメや観光エリアの情報が満載 ...
Located in central Honshu, the city is rich in historical sites and relics.
Kyoto attracts tens of millions of visitors every year.
京都格安旅行 | ツアー・ホテル・観光スポットの比較・検索なら【LINE ...

Nara (奈良)
奈良観光へ!専門家おすすめ「行くシカない」スポット30選 | LINE ...
Nara was an ancient capital of Japan.
It has many places of scenic beauty and historical interest including Nara park and Todaiji Temple, in which a large statue of the Buddha is located.
The city retains a serene classical atmosphere.
奈良のダイナミックパッケージ・格安フリープラン(往復の交通+宿泊 ...


Thank you so much for reading.
Did you know any of those Japan's famous tourist spots?
I hope these will be of some help to you understand Japanese culture and history!
Excuse my poor English, I will be better next blog!
Please check them out!

Pick up


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